Sat, Mar 22, 2025

WTXPCA Event #1 Solo Style Autocross

Arroyo Seco Raceway

About this event


Please join us for our first Autocross event held at the Arroyo Seco Raceway.  There's a lot of space and loads of GRIPPY concrete!  


From Porsche Club of America: Autocross is a sport of trying to navigate your car through a defined course of pylons usually on a large parking lot, faster than your competition. Autocross courses are set up using soft orange traffic pylons which will not damage your car, but they do melt! Events will allow faster speeds than previous events, have fun! Autocross is a "performance driving event" and a safe way to learn how to drive your car at its limit. You not only learn how to handle your car at speeds that you drive daily, but you also:


         · Gain confidence in your driving ability

         · Learn the limits of your car's brakes

         · Learn correct seating, hand, and foot positions

         · Learn the limits of your car's tire adhesion

         · Finally, autocross is a social gathering of new and old friends and LOTS OF FUN!

We are partnering with Carerra Region, Porsche Club this season to host our fall events in September and October.

Event requirements

Your car MUST be in the tech line by 7:15 AM in order to participate.  Pre-Registration and payment is highly recommended, as we will limit the field to the first 35 drivers.  Each driver will be placed in a colored run group based on POWER to WEIGHT ratio;  Blue run group,  Green run group,  Yellow run group and Red  run group will be the Power to weight groups.  This means all cars will run in competitive classes based on the performance of the car instead of driver experience!  There will be some balancing to ensure all groups are approximately equally sized.  Every run group will get one practice session of 6 laps and one timed session of 6 laps.  Your fastest lap during timed sessions will be used to determine your final finishing position.  After the first Autocross, based on event circumstances we may offer charity laps where drivers can donate to a designated cause to run additional laps.  We reserve the right to change the format as necessary.


As per Porsche Club requirements the following must be adhered to but not limited to:

A: 18 years of age, valid driver's license, Current personal auto insurance 

B:  Snell helmets of 2015 & 2020, no earlier, and no motor cycle style. We have loaner helmets available at $10.00 for the day as well.

C: Vehicle number on side, door, and right top of windshield, using chalk, blue painters tape, magnetic, etc are good

D: Tech inspection is required, this is a list to review before you show up as a guide only, include but not limited to: Tire depth, brake pads, rotors not cracked, brake fluid changed out within 6 months ideally, proper torqued lug nuts , brake lights, throttle free linkage, battery secure, no bungee cords please, seat belts in good order, horn, no oil or other fluid leakage, secure exhaust, gas lines etc.and the obvious other items. It is a good idea to have fresh anti-freeze, oil change, etc..

E: ORDER to do things: Find a safe place you will paddock your car, remove everything loose, EXCEPT your helmet, Line up on pit row and wait for inspection, once completed, move your car, go to registration desk with inspection form and register for the event, sign waiver, get wrist band(s),  At this point, clarify your car number works for everyone. Now just relax, and wait until the others are finished.

F: If you are new to our event or perhaps you have done this track in the past but we have no record of it, first you should let us know as we have instructors and because we have no record of you doing this before at this track, you will be required to have an instructor ride along and sign you off.  It may only be the first run series of 3 laps, but we need to know you are safe for yourself and others.

G: Schedule - Tech inspection 8:00 AM, Registration 8:00 to 8:45 ( DO NOT SHOW UP LATE!!) Driver's meeting 8:45 to 9:00  EVERY DRIVER MUST ATTEND !!, Tour laps 9:00 to 9:15, All cars go to park except the first 2 groups to run. There will be two rows here, Lunch at 12:00 noon or half way through the event, there's a great place just down the road! (we brought back burgers and shared lunch together last year) whichever is first. Timed Event over by 3:00 . Your times are through the Arroyo Seco app called Hotlap (let us know if you need assistance).

H: Charity Laps: These are 3 laps for $10.00, or 6 laps for $15.00. This is done as follows:

No helmet required, take a passenger, spouse, etc. or a friend, belts must be worn, no corner workers therefore run on the honor sysytem and be SAFE at 50%. potenial, PAY in ADVANCE as we set up for this. Please don't ask us " to call you out for not being respectful of the honor system"!!!

I: The track is CLOSED, NO CARS AFTER 4:30 UNLESS within agreement of track management and West Texas Porsche Club decide to continue , a reasonable added time will be made at this time.

J: All the above is not limited to the items mentioned and may include other safety concerns. 

Entries (7)

Jeff Parker
Clarence Haubner
Chris Parker
Max Sale
Levi Nolasco
Scot Dowd
Edmundo Rubio

Arroyo Seco Raceway

Deming, NM
Download track map
Download track map
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap


Autocross/Solo organized by

PCA - West Texas

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WTXPCA Event #2 Solo Style Autocross
Arroyo Seco Raceway

WTXPCA Event #1 Solo Style Autocross

Sat, Mar 22, 2025