Sat, Jun 15, 2024

BRR-PCA Cars N Coffee - Peaks of Otter

Peaks of Otter Restaurant

About this event

All Blue Ridge Region PCA members are invited and encouraged to attend Cars N Coffee starting at 9:30am.  Come for great cars and food, but most importantly to socialize with other club members!  What an awesome way to connect with club members, check out our cars, and enjoy great food.

Ok Porsche fans, back to an alltime favorite!!!  Peaks of Otter Restaurant along the Blue Ridge Parkway for breakfast. Saturday, June 15, @ 9:30 am. Lets all wake up and smell the exhaust pipes (and the roses).  Al Durham

Event requirements

There is no club cost to attend this event, but members are responsible for their meals and beverages.  Registration is limited to members of the Blue Ridge Region PCA and their family or guest.  Be sure to go all the way through the form and click on the Complete Registration button!

This is a limited capacity event so register early.  A waitlist will be maintained once the event fills to accommodate additional attendees as cancelations occur. 

Peaks of Otter Restaurant
Blue Ridge Parkway milepost 86
85554 Blue Rdg Pkwy
Bedford, VA 24523

Peaks of Otter Restaurant

Bedford, VA


Membership organized by

PCA - Blue Ridge

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Event over!